Author: development

We are currently experiencing issues with our phone system, and it is in the process of being resolved. You may receive a message that the phone is out of service when calling the Kaua`i Habitat administrative office. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working diligently to resolve the issue. In the meantime, please reach us at (808) 431-2022....

All of our visiting build teams are special to us. They each bring their own individuality and no two teams are the same. But one visiting team has a uniqueness all its own. This team is a part of the Habitat Care-A-Vanner Build program. What sets them apart from other visiting build groups is that they normally travel to and...

  In May our nation celebrates Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. A month that offers us a time to reflect and celebrate the amazing achievements, remarkable contributions, and diversity of cultures these communities have made for us all. [caption id="attachment_12126" align="alignleft" width="99"] Founding ED, Auntie La France Kapaka-Arboleda[/caption] At Kaua'i Habitat for Humanity, we honor the Asian American, Native...

[caption id="attachment_12522" align="alignleft" width="300"] Ross Anthony, M.Ed.[/caption] You always hear us talking about how wonderful our volunteers are. When you hear this, you probably picture people in hard hats swinging hammers. Well, there are plenty of ways to make an impact at Kaua'i Habitat without ever picking up a hammer. One example is videographer, editor and volunteer Ross Anthony, M.Ed., who visited...

Are you or someone you know interested in serving the Kaua’i community as an AmeriCorps Service Member? Kaua’i Habitat is excited to announce we have AmeriCorps service opportunities available. Serving as an AmeriCorps National member with Habitat offers many benefits. To view some of these benefits click here.  Those interested in viewing and/or applying for one of our open positions...

A group of students who are a part of a college ministry at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga called The House spent a day volunteering with Kaua'i Habitat for Humanity during their spring break. The mission of The House is helping college students discover real life in Jesus Christ. The students were drawn to Kaua'i because of the beauty of...

  It’s our 30th year of building homes and hope! Please celebrate with us at our 30th Anniversary Dinner on November 4th, 2023, at the Royal Sonesta. Individual tickets (open seating), reserved tables for 10, sponsorship packages, and ad space in our event program are available for purchase. For more information click here, or to purchase tickets or sponsorship click here....

Once again, we are blessed to have had an amazing Hawaii Village Build team building with us. Team Van Rooy has been making an impact on Kaua'i by building homes and hope with us since 2016, and we were so grateful to have them back. The team had to face some challenging obstacles before the scheduled build trip. But this resilient...

Recently the Hawaii Business Magazine published an article highlighting Kaua'i Habitat for Humanity and their accomplishments over the past 30 years. The digital format of the article is available by clicking here, while the print version appeared in the April edition of the magazine. The article is titled Kaua'i Affiliate is Habitat for Humanity's Top Builder in Hawai'i and discusses how...

As many of you know the Rotary Club does good things for people all around the globe. One program the club offers is the Rotary Youth Exchange, which is a volunteer driven program that gives high school students the opportunity to study abroad for an entire year. Recently Hawai'i (Rotary District 5000) had four students that were studying and experiencing...