Author: development

It's a time of celebration! The owners of the very first Kaua‘i Habitat home paid off their mortgage this week. We are so happy and proud of the Marti-Kini family. They are a true success story....

They have been hard at it all week! I'm speaking of the ten wonderful volunteers who have come to Kaua‘i to build homes and hope for our community! The second team led by Jan Roberta this year has proved to be not only hard working, but fun and engaging as well. We here at Kaua‘i Habitat have enjoyed getting to...

Many thanks to The Garden Island newspaper and photographer Dennis Fujimoto for sharing our events and accomplishments with Kaua‘i. Read the latest article highlighting Kaua‘i Habitat's 117th home....

It was a beautiful morning as staff, volunteers, friends and neighbors gathered in Anahola to watch Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity present the key of it's #117 home to Vern Kauanui and Don Baker this past Friday. The ceremony began with Assistant Carpenter Drew Wolenter dressed in traditional Hawaiian attire blowing the conch shell. It was homeowner Vern Kauanui's wish to...

Here are just a few reasons why We Build! Homeownership can help break the cycle of poverty by allowing families to accumulate wealth through home equity; for low-income families, housing wealth often equals total wealth Higher rates of homeownership correspond with increased household and neighborhood stability and a reduction in violent crime in a neighborhood Compared to renters, children of...

Progress is being made in the ‘Ele‘ele Iluna Subdivision! If you drive by now you can see paved streets, street signs and power lines up. All that's needed now are families in homes to make this a true community. Next step...

It's all in the numbers! Ever wonder how many items would end up in our landfills each year if we didn't make an effort to ensure they are recycled? The numbers may shock you. This is a list of previously used items that were sold in our ReStore®. These items were donated rather than thrown out and all money raised...

This month we are recognizing one of our most loyal and dependable volunteers. His name is Guy Ambrose and he continually goes above and beyond in his service to Kaua‘i Habitat. We count on him for so many things, and feel a loss on the rare days that he is not around. One of Guys primary duties is picking up...

Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity is proud to announce the dedication of it's 116th home on Kaua‘i. The home dedication was held on November 25th, 2014 in Anahola and the keys were passed to the very deserving Loketi family. Friends and family gathered at the new home to celebrate the accomplishment of the family as well as recognize all the many...