Waimea Huakai Subdivision

[caption id="attachment_13081" align="alignleft" width="317"] Women Build 2024 Event Participants[/caption] It was an amazing day of building homes, hope and community at this year's Women Build! On Friday, August 9th, nearly twenty local volunteers showed up to take part in building projects in the Kaua`i Habitat for Humanity Waimea Huakai Subdivision in Waimea, Hawai`i. After a several year hiatus the Women Build...

On Saturday, April 27th, 2024, volunteers from HPM Building Supply gathered at the Kaua`i Habitat for Humanity jobsite in Waimea to celebrate National Volunteer Week. What a better way for the Partner Level Sponsor to recognize the week than by spending the day building homes, communities and hope with the nonprofit? HPM Building Supply has a long history of supporting affordable...

For a second year in a row, Rent-A-Center has partnered with Kaua'i Habitat for Humanity by joining its Builders Guild house sponsorship program. Membership in Kaua'i Habitat for Humanity's Builders Guild enables sponsors to make a meaningful difference in our community by ensuring ongoing success is possible with gifts of house sponsorships. Builders Guild members are recognized for their contributions...

We continue to be impressed and inspired with the quality of folks that come to us as part of a Hawai'i Village Build (HVB) team. Hawai'i Village Builds are organized volunteer trips where individuals from various places, join together as a team that is coordinated by a Team Leader, to visit the Hawaiian Islands to support our mission of building...

On November 22, 2023, Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity dedicated six newly completed homes in the Waimea Huakai subdivision. There the six families were presented with housewarming gifts provided by community members, Kaua‘i Planning and Action Alliance and Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity and its Homeowner Support Committee. The recent home completions bring the total number of homes provided by the nonprofit...

On the afternoon of June 23, 2023 Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity passed the keys to the first two completed homes in the Waimea Huakai subdivision and final three homes in ‘Ele‘ele Iluna, which mark the completion of the subdivision. The recent home completions bring the total number of homes provided by Kaua'i Habitat to 233. “We are proud of the new...

[caption id="attachment_12522" align="alignleft" width="300"] Ross Anthony, M.Ed.[/caption] You always hear us talking about how wonderful our volunteers are. When you hear this, you probably picture people in hard hats swinging hammers. Well, there are plenty of ways to make an impact at Kaua'i Habitat without ever picking up a hammer. One example is videographer, editor and volunteer Ross Anthony, M.Ed., who visited...

Once again, we are blessed to have had an amazing Hawaii Village Build team building with us. Team Van Rooy has been making an impact on Kaua'i by building homes and hope with us since 2016, and we were so grateful to have them back. The team had to face some challenging obstacles before the scheduled build trip. But this resilient...

Recently the Hawaii Business Magazine published an article highlighting Kaua'i Habitat for Humanity and their accomplishments over the past 30 years. The digital format of the article is available by clicking here, while the print version appeared in the April edition of the magazine. The article is titled Kaua'i Affiliate is Habitat for Humanity's Top Builder in Hawai'i and discusses how...

We once again were blessed to have a Hawaii Village Build Team visit the island to build homes, communities and hope with us. This team of nine led by seasoned team leader, Jean Currie, took on multiple tasks as they volunteered at our construction site and ReStore. The team consisted of several familiar faces as well as a few newcomers....