Author: development

On May 13, 2014 Captain Bruce Hay, commanding officer at the Pacific Missile Range Facility provided ten U.S. Navy volunteers to continue critical work on Nelson and Marian Eguchi’s home on Department of Hawaiian Homelands in Kekaha. The volunteers know Nelson well – Nelson is employed at PMRF’s fitness center – and were happy to help give a “hand up”...

                A great article was published in today's issue of the Garden Island Newspaper. The article focused on the wonderful gift Marian Eguchi received this Mother's day as more than a dozen women from around the state showed up to help build her a home. Her future home was a chosen site for this years National Women Build event sponsored by...

On April 23rd, Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity held house dedication and key passing ceremonies for its 112th and 113th homes. Staff, volunteers, donors, government officials, family, and friends were present to celebrate the accomplishments of the Kaneholani and McDermott families who have completed their homes on Department of Hawaiian Homelands. Please read the full article as it appeared in The...