26 Mar Kaua`i Visitor Channel
Take a look at the short video running on KVIC Channel 3! It explains why we do what we do. We build homes and hope on Kaua‘i! Click here to see the Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity Company Film ...
Take a look at the short video running on KVIC Channel 3! It explains why we do what we do. We build homes and hope on Kaua‘i! Click here to see the Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity Company Film ...
Here are just a few reasons why We Build! Homeownership can help break the cycle of poverty by allowing families to accumulate wealth through home equity; for low-income families, housing wealth often equals total wealth Higher rates of homeownership correspond with increased household and neighborhood stability and a reduction in violent crime in a neighborhood Compared to renters, children of...
A great article was published in today's issue of the Garden Island Newspaper. The article focused on the wonderful gift Marian Eguchi received this Mother's day as more than a dozen women from around the state showed up to help build her a home. Her future home was a chosen site for this years National Women Build event sponsored by...