House Dedications

This past Friday we were able to celebrate the accomplishments of our two newest homebuyers in Anahola! Keys were passed as we dedicated our 133rd and 134th homes on Kaua‘i to the Bungula and Lopez families. We wish these wonderful families nothing but happiness in the years to come! Congratulations!  ...

The wait for an affordable house on Kaua‘i is over for six well deserving families. On Friday, May 27th, 2016 Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity dedicated it's first six homes of phase II of the ‘Ele‘ele Iluna neighborhood project. The dedication included a blessing and key passing ceremony for the homes of Marti Smith, Nick Wehrly, Jeremy and Rebekah Albano, Cory Carveiro...

Many thanks to The Garden Island newspaper and photographer Dennis Fujimoto for sharing our events and accomplishments with Kaua‘i. Read the latest article highlighting Kaua‘i Habitat's 117th home....

It was a beautiful morning as staff, volunteers, friends and neighbors gathered in Anahola to watch Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity present the key of it's #117 home to Vern Kauanui and Don Baker this past Friday. The ceremony began with Assistant Carpenter Drew Wolenter dressed in traditional Hawaiian attire blowing the conch shell. It was homeowner Vern Kauanui's wish to...

Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity is proud to announce the dedication of it's 116th home on Kaua‘i. The home dedication was held on November 25th, 2014 in Anahola and the keys were passed to the very deserving Loketi family. Friends and family gathered at the new home to celebrate the accomplishment of the family as well as recognize all the many...

As you may already know we had a wonderful time passing the keys of our 115th home to the Eguchi Family this past Friday. Read the article as it appeared in The Garden Island newspaper....

It was a beautiful day on Friday, October tenth as a small crowd gathered in Anahola to celebrate the accomplishment of a community coming together to make great things happen on Kaua‘i. In 2011 a devastating fire took the home of Elvis Troche, Debbie Fitzgerald-Troche and family. In response Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, a generous...

On April 23rd, Kaua‘i Habitat for Humanity held house dedication and key passing ceremonies for its 112th and 113th homes. Staff, volunteers, donors, government officials, family, and friends were present to celebrate the accomplishments of the Kaneholani and McDermott families who have completed their homes on Department of Hawaiian Homelands. Please read the full article as it appeared in The...